Andrew Rushworth
Andrew graduated in 2012 with a BSc in natural sciences from the University of Bath. His final year project involved chemical vapour deposition to deposit nanoparticulate lead and cadmium sulphides in a polymer matrix and their subsequent characterisation. His interest in sustainability and his excellent experience at Bath meant the CDT was a perfect choice for him. Outside of study he enjoys board games, judo and going to church.
- The Development of Graphene Based Materials with Professor Paul Raithby, Professor Simon Bending and Dr Andrew Johnson; Industrial Partner: Johnson Matthey — PhD project
- The development of precursors for graphene production with Dr Andrew Johnson, Professor Paul Raithby and Professor Simon Bending — 2nd MRes project
- Modelling and analysis of supercritical adsorption in nanoporous solids with Professor Tim Mays and Professor Saiful Islam — 1st MRes project