Aneesa Al-Ani
Aneesa graduated with an MChem in 2017. Her thesis discussed the synthesis of a significantly rare spiro [indoline-2,4′-quinoline] system. Through multi-step rearrangements of simple heterocyclic starting materials, to the architecturally complex spirocyclic system. She joined the CSCT to continue with research whilst focusing on her main interest in sustainability. Outside academia she enjoys travelling, hiking, skiing, basically anything that involves the great outdoors.
- Engineering defects and disorder for enhanced pharmaceutical properties with Professor Chick Wilson, Dr Bernardo Castro Dominguez and Professor Matthew Davidson; Industrial Partners: Astrazeneca and CMAC – PhD project
- Planting the seed for better healthcare with Professor Chick Wilson and Dr Lorenzo Caggiano – 2nd MRes project
- Making Chemicals from sunlight with Dr Emma Emanuelsson and Dr David Carbery – 1st MRes project