Bethan Charles
Bethan graduated from Durham University in 2013 with an MPhys in Physics; her final year project investigated the efficiencies of photovoltaic devices. After her studies she volunteered as a Maths Teacher in India before moving to London, working as a Consultant in the Energy Industry. In her spare time Bethan competes in ballroom and latin competitions, runs and bakes cakes.
- Structure, spectroscopy and photoelectrochemistry of photovoltaic materials with Professor Mark Weller, Professor Daniel Wolverson and and Dr Laurie Peter; Industrial Partner: SPECIFIC — PhD project
- Novel sustainable materials for tissue engineering with Dr Ram Shama and Dr Antoine Buchard — 2nd MRes project
- Structure, spectroscopy and photoelectrochemistry of photovoltaic materials with Professor Mark Weller, Dr Laurie Peter and Dr Aron Walsh — 1st MRes project