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Carlos M. Lopez-Alled

Carlos graduated from the University of Zaragoza in 2014 with a degree in Chemistry. After an internship in the ICB-CSIC (Carbon-Chemistry Institute), he achieved a Master’s Degree in Molecular Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis. His final year projects were focused on the total synthesis of natural products. He is currently working on the detection of toxins in drinking water using organic molecules as colorimetric sensors. Carlos enjoys spending his time reading, travelling and climbing.

  • Rapid on-site colourimetric determination of drinking water safety in the developing world with Dr Simon Lewis, Professor Tony James and Dr Jannis Wenk; Partner: The Nasio Trust — PhD project
  • Nitrate removal from drinking water by catalytic hydrogenation with Dr Jan Hofman and Professor Davide Mattia — 2nd MRes project
  • Freeing developing nations from fluorosis with an easy-to-use colourimetric fluoride sensor with Dr Simon Lewis and Professor Tony James — 1st MRes project

Carlos is an MSCA-FIRE fellow.


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