Felix Abeln
Felix initially studied Mechanical Engineering and then specialised in Chemical Engineering during his BSc at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. During his degree, he also undertook an exchange year at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and an internship at BASF SE. After graduation, he continued his studies with an MSc in Chemical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, in which he undertook an exchange semester at RMIT University in Melbourne. He is very interested in the area of Biochemical Engineering, focusing on fermentation technologies. Felix enjoys sports, especially skiing, football and badminton. He can easily be bribed with a proper Black Forest gateau.
- Developing a food-grade high value palm oil substitute from the yeast M. pulcherrima with Dr Chris Chuck and Dr Daniel Henk; Industrial Partners: Croda and AB Agri — PhD project
- Continuous culturing of Metschnikowia pulcherimma for the production of a palm oil substitute and 2-phenylethanol with Dr Chris Chuck and Dr Daniel Henk — 2nd MRes project
- Chemicals recovery from food processing waste with Dr Marta Coma and Dr Tom Arnot — 1st MRes project
Felix is an MSCA-FIRE fellow.