Jack Payne
Jack graduated with a Masters degree in Chemistry from the University of Bath in 2018. During his degree, Jack undertook a yearlong industrial placement at Shell, where he worked on the development of novel diesel performance additives for light-duty vehicles. His Master’s research project involved investigating Titanium Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) as novel catalysts for Polyethylene Furanoate (PEF) synthesis, with a view to industrial application, under the supervision of Professor Matthew Davidson. In his spare time, Jack enjoys playing football, squash and golf, as well as hiking and travelling.
- Catalytic upgrading of polymer waste into added-value products with Professor Matthew Jones, Dr Antoine Buchard and Dr Emma Emanuelsson Patterson; International Partner: Los Alamos National Laboratory – PhD Project
- Closing the loop plastic recycling – Plastics for the circular economy with Professor Matthew Jones and Dr Emma Emanuelsson Patterson – 1st MRes project
- Water quality monitoring affordable to all with Dr Mirella Di Lorenzo and Professor Janet Scott – 2nd MRes project