James Boxall-Clasby
James graduated for the University of Oxford in 2013 with an MChem in Chemistry, where he specialised in organic synthesis in Professor Steve Davies’ group for his final year project. He has since worked in industry, most recently as Principal R&D Scientist at Pertinax Pharma, a University of Bristol spin-out company. In this role, he worked in an interdisciplinary team to develop the formulation and analysis of novel antimicrobial products, and worked on potential healthcare applications. Before this, James was a Technical Operations Scientist for Siemens Healthcare, providing scientific support for the manufacture of immunoassay-based diagnostic kits. James is most interested in projects with a possibility for commercialisation, with a focus on analysis and sensing at the interface of chemistry and biotechnology. In his spare time, James enjoys cycling, DIY and board-games.
- Monitoring community health through wastewater based epidemiology: new analytical framework and technological approaches toward community infectious disease diagnostics with Professor Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern, Professor Edward Feil and Professor Pedro Estrela; Industrial Partner: Wessex Water – PhD Project
- New fluorescence sensors for rapid detection of bacteria with Dr Nuno Reis and Professor Tony James – 1st MRes project
- Water fingerprinting for genetic markers of disease with Professor Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern, Professor Chris Frost and Dr Pedro Estrela – 2nd MRes project