Jonathan Wagner
Since graduating in 2008 with a MEng in Chemical Engineering from the University of Bath, Jon completed an engineering graduate scheme with BP. During this time he worked on the onshore support team for a Northsea oil platform and spent two years on a gas terminal in Teeside. In his free time Jon likes to travel and has recently started to learn Portuguese.
- Novel materials for catalytic conversion of bio-oils with Dr Valeska Ting, Professor Mark Weller and Dr Chris Chuck; Industrial Partners: Wessex Water and Airbus Group — PhD project
- Aqueous dye sensitized solar cells with Dr Petra Cameron & Professor Alison Walker — 2nd MRes project
- Development of a microbial biofuel; utilisation of waste resources, reactor design and catalysis with Dr Chris Chuck, Dr Dmitry Lukyanov & Dr Matthew Jones — 1st MRes project