Marcus Johns
Marcus graduated from the University of Bath with an MEng in Chemical Engineering in 2012. A placement year was spent working for MAST Carbon International, and final year projects involved the design of a waste treatment plant for use on a nuclear submarine and a microbial fuel cell for water treatment. He is a member of the theatrical and musical societies and plays alto saxophone in the concert band.
- Biomaterials for the Cardiac Environment with Dr Ram Sharma, Dr Janet Scott and Dr Sameer Rahatekar (University of Bristol); Industrial Partner: Revolution Fibres – PhD project
- The enzymatic spinning cloth disc reactor: reaction intensification for biotransformations with Dr Emma Patterson, Dr Darrell Patterson & Dr Janet Scott — 2nd MRes project
- Tunable porous carbons for energy storage applications with Dr Janet Scott, Dr Davide Mattia & Dr Laura Torrente Murciano — 1st MRes project