Natalie Sims
Natalie graduated from the University of Southampton with an MChem in Chemistry. In the summer before her third year, she did an EPSRC funded project synthesising and tailoring hierarchical catalysts for industrially significant reactions. For her masters research project she undertook a six month placement at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Here she investigated the effects of biomass burnings in Indonesia on rainwater composition. In her spare time, Natalie likes swimming, playing ultimate Frisbee and spending time outdoors.
- Medicinal products in the environment: novel strategies reducing environmental exposure with Professor Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern and Dr Tom Arnot; Industrial Partner: Wessex Water – PhD project
- Sustainable treatment processes for the removal of pharmacologically active compounds from water with Dr Tom Arnot, Professor Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern and Professor Rod Scott  — 2nd MRes project
- Medicinal products in the environment: novel strategies reducing environmental exposure with Professor Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern and Professor Martyn Standage — 1st MRes project