Sandra McHugh
Sandra graduated from the Galway Mayo Institute of Technology in Ireland in 2010 with a BSc in Medical Science. She has worked in various Immunology, Biochemistry and Blood Transfusion laboratories in Ireland and the UK and spent some time working for GlaxoSmithKline in Sydney, Australia. Sandra decided to apply for the programme in Sustainable Chemical Technologies after experiencing first hand the level of plastic pollution and other environmental issues whilst travelling in South East Asia and India last year. Sandra loves to travel and explore, cycling and muay thai.
- The effect of framework structure and composition on controlled drug release by zeolites with Dr Alexander O’Malley, Dr Asel Sartbaeva and Professor Tina Duren; Industrial Partners: ISIS Neutron and Muon Source and Johnson Matthey – PhD Project
- Unmixing mixed cultures: the microbial communities behind the production of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) from food waste with Dr Ana Lanham and Dr Brian Jones – 1st MRes project
- Developing decontamination technologies through modelling of water and toxic compounds in potential zeolite adsorbents with Dr Alexander O’Malley, Dr Asel Sartbaeva and Professor Tim Mays – 2nd MRes project