Suzanne Wallace
Suzy graduated from the University of York with an MPhys in Theoretical Physics in 2014. For her final year project she used computational quantum mechanics to study electron trapping in nanocrystalline TiO2. Her research interests are in photovoltaic devices, but otherwise her interests are in rock climbing, running and cooking.
- Overcoming the efficiency bottleneck of metal sulfide solar cells with Professor Aron Walsh, Professor Chris Bowen and Professor Mark Weller; Partners: SPECIFIC and Duke University – PhD project
- Screening for new ferroelectric materials for photovoltaic applications with Professor Chris Bowen and Professor Aron Walsh — 2nd MRes project
- Chemical DIsorder and Inhomogeneity in Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) From Multiscale Simulations with Professor Aron Walsh, Professor Laurie Peter, Professor Mark Weller and Professor Dave Worsley — 1st MRes project