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Tamsin Bell

Tamsin completed her Masters in Chemistry (MSci) in 2012 and during her degree she studied in Montpellier in France for a year. Tamsin’s research interests are within the field of catalysis. At the end of her year in France, she did a 2 month project synthesising Pt-Sn catalysts for the dehydrogenation of kerosene.  In her final year research project, she used high accuracy computational methods to examine the mechanism of oxidative addition in cross-coupling reactions.  Tamsin enjoys sports, scuba diving and travelling.

  • Stabilisation of nanoparticles on curved supports with Dr Laura Torrente Murciano and Professor Steve Parker; Industrial Partner: Sasol Technologies – PhD project
  • Understanding the effect of morphology on the reactivity of alumina supports using computational methods with Professor Steve Parker and Dr Laura Torrente Murciano — 2nd MRes project
  • Development of nanostructured alumina for metal nanoparticle stabilisation with Dr Laura Torrente Murciano — 1st MRes project


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