Vicky De Groof
Vicky got her Bachelor’s in Bioscience Engineering: Chemistry and Food Technology in Antwerp, Belgium. Afterwards she obtained her Masters in Bioscience Engineering: Chemistry and Bioprocess Technology in Ghent. Her masters dissertation was about the sustainable bioproduction of medium chain volatile fatty acids through fermentation of biorefinery streams that she conducted at the Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology. She joined the CSCT to develop new skills and to be a part of the world of sustainable chemical technologies. She moved to England as the start of a new adventure. In her free time she enjoys going to the gym, running, food, travelling and visiting new places.
- Anaerobic mixed culture processes for bio-waste valorization with Dr Ana Lanham, Dr Tom Arnot, Professor David Leak and Dr Marta Coma; Industrial Partners: Wessex Water and GENeco – PhD project
- The fate of micropollutants in anaerobic digestion with Professor Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern and Dr Marta Coma — 2nd MRes project
- Maths and microbes: a love story for waste valorization with Dr Marta Coma and Dr Tom Arnot — 1st MRes project
Vicky is an MSCA-FIRE fellow.