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RIS – Built Environment Event

A great opportunity for academics and industry to meet and discuss effective, sustainable solutions for the Built Environment

This 1-day event will highlight the range of work being undertaken by academics from the University of Bath, at the BRE Centre for Innovative Construction Materials, and industry working within the Built Environment.

The day will offer a great opportunity for both academics and industry to meet, discuss challenges, and think about effective solutions for the Built Environment

The day will be a mixture of presentations, workshop discussions, and a panel discussion with lots of opportunities to network. A networking area will be available to guests and you are invited to host a banner or stand.

Presentations will touch upon 4 themes:

Resources, Infrastructure, Digital Design and the Circular Economy

Join this free event today if you are:

  • an organisation looking to collaborate with the University of Bath or interested in the latest built environment research
  • a Bath academic looking to grow your network of contacts for potential collaborations

BRE is a world-leading building science centre and the authority on all aspects of the built environment. BRE generate new knowledge through research that is used to create products, tools and standards that drive positive change across the built environment. BRE is owned by the BRE Trust, a registered charity, which funds research and education that advances knowledge of the built environment.


By 4 November 2019

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